what do you feel like you are living in?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

As I sit in the fish bowl

I am in a fish bowl. Literally. I work in a space that is 7ft *7ft so in the sense of the word, I am in a human fish bowl and have been for like the last four years of my life. I get the sinking feeling that I will always be that dazed and confused creature staring out into the world moving all around me and I am confined with no chance to explore and grow.

Obviously I feel as if I am not living to my potential. I am also not the only one that has this opinion. I think that there are millions of people who would express the same sentiment if given the opportunity.

Here it is 2011 and there are people that have growing frustrations over the dealings of the world. Most importantly in America. I think the time for growth and creativity has been stunted somehow. I do not know Gods plan for this world but I feel as if the world could use a pick me up right about now.

So hopefully stayed  tuned today and I am going to try to find some postivity to share. Maybe I will see God work today in his own way to show me that he is still a omnipotent presence in my life.

I would try to climb out of my fishbowl but I only have fins and I do not believe in evolution. So today I will sit here and wait. I will wait as my masters feed me just enough flakes to survive. Also at the same time I will be hoping that by some divine intervention that my tank tips over and a hand saves me and puts me into the ocean so my fishy spirit can soar! lol. Maybe just maybe in that ocean I will fufill my purpose and I will be shown how to fill the void that acts as a fish bowl as well.

Ok I digress. I say Happy Tuesday! Hope, love, faith is what we have. Love is greatest out of all of these. so please love today. Remember me as I sit in a fishbowl. : P

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