what do you feel like you are living in?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Men.....what more do I have to say?

I do not understand men. I really do not.

 I was ready to pen an open letter to God about the condition of our men in society today but I got busy along the way. I believe it is time to reconsider my efforts...

Here is the situation. I am a young, attractive, successful female in my own right. I am not on the streets. I hold two jobs and I am not crazy (despite what some of my exes might say). I kid. I am normal and absolutely single.

This has pretty been the case for the last four years of my life. Sure I have talked to a bunch of guys but  nothing beyond that. In my opinion guys just do not know how to be gentlemen anymore and they have forgotten the value of courting a young lady as if she is a young lady. Also are going on dates a thing of the past? Did something change and I was not slipped a memo?

I would not say I am desperate but it is getting to the point where I am like something has got to be done. I was told by a certain family member that if " I do not use those eggs by thirty, it is pretty much a done deal." wait what?

I do not know how true it is but that thought is scary. So were they telling me I am four years away from my womb becoming a shriveled prune and all it is going to do is kick out is dust?!

When I usually meet a guy it starts off pleasant enough. He spits game, we exchange numbers yadda yadda ya we go our seperate ways and maybe a day or two later he calls or he does not. simple enough. When a guy does call this is where I can gauge whether or not to bag him as scum or potential. This is where I get frustrated because eighty percent of them do not make it past this point. They have all wanted sex with me! All within the first freaking ten minutes of conversation! This also where I poiltely end the conversation and silently gag inside my soul. Definitely going in my letter to God.

If and when they make it past the telephone, most of them do not want to go on a date. It is something like do you want to hang out or chill. ok sounds nice there is potential for a date then.... They say well I think I should come over your house and you should cook me dinner. huh?

First of all. I do not know you and letting you in my house would be a mistake if you are some pyscho killer who wants to stalk me in the dark while I sleep! excuse we are not at that point yet and that is no way to get to know a lady! Also I take you wanting to come to my house on a first date means you think I am easy. insulting.

I particually like where you are talking to a guy and then he decides all of a sudden that he is not ready for a relationship but you have already invested your emotions. What the guy is really saying is that he does not want a relationship with you.

When a guy does something like that it is a couple of the following things:

* You have completely scared him off with something  you said or did
* your not giving it up
* he has found someone else to be interested in
* or he is just a complete douche

What prompted me to write this was my lastest fiasco.

I had met this guy at a bar. That should have been a red flag there however I call myself tryin to branch out and do something different because I usually meet them everywhere. Even in church I have had some major fails with men.  Anyways, this guy seemed really interested and we have kept in touch throughout the summer. I thought he was a nice guy. He would shower me with the normal comments. your different. I think your pretty. This all makes me want to roll my eyes. I just wanted to try something different.

We had had planned on going to the movies. He asked if that was something I wanted to do and I was like yes but quickly realized that I did not have the funds. I told him this because being the woman that I am, I naturally assume that the guy is not going to pay automatically for me to go, which I was right in this case. I would have still been down to hang out with him had it not been  for his response.

Me: "Oh I would love to see that movie but I am lacking the funds. :( It is kind of sad."

Him: "That sucks"

Him: "Well if you do not have money, you do not have money to do anything."

Me: "Thank you for making that painfully obviously."

He was exed off my list immediately. He did not have to pay for me to go but his response was dumb and rude. He made me know he was not interested. He could have offered to pay or do another activity but of course not. I think he just wanted to hook up. :(

You never know what you are going to get ladies. I have so many stories that go on for days. I think that is what I am going to touch upon because I am in that general mood. more to come but I pormise I will not turn into a man hater. :)

Are mothers truly not whipping there little boys into to shape to treat a woman like the queen she is granted not all women are queens. I think we all need love.

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