what do you feel like you are living in?

Monday, August 8, 2011

I am coming out!

(clearing throat) I mean... I am coming out as a blogger. :) Now, am I this brillant blogger? Am I the best writer? Can I be crafty, witty, bold with my topics? The answer to that question, I do not know? It remains to be seen but I wanted to take on this journey of becoming a blogger no matter the outcome. At least then I can say I took the bull by the horn and threw that beast across the room no matter how menacing it looked! ha! Now is the time for America and its citizens to live their dreams. With a failing economy, increased restlessness and a failing partnership with the government and it citizens (us). Not that I ever thought it was a fair partnership to begin with but nontheless, we live here its their rules but our lives! If you want to be the next president or astrounaut to the moon go for it! If you think you have what it takes to change the world I highly encourage it because all it takes is one man. God instilled people with certains qualities and gifts to fullfill change all according to his will.  I feel as if our time is coming to a head whether it is two days from now or fifty years. I just want to say I lived my life and blogged! hopefully I can inspire and cause some change in someones life. I am proud to be out as one of the zillion bloggers in the world! Taytacakes is unleashed! lol.

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