what do you feel like you are living in?

Friday, August 12, 2011

What if

It is a complex thing I have with God.


I hate it with a passion. Why is it so hard to follow something you believe in? Is it because my whole heart is not in it? Am I not committed? Even thinking about that rocks my stomach to the core. I know the answer and it is not good enough for me.

I know that I am not following God with my everything. If I were to die today I think that the results would be tragic. There was this video on YouTube called twenty three hours dead. I was skeptical watching it and I still am skeptical but the what if is enough.

In the video which is in a different language and dubbed this girl is told by an angel that she is going to die and get to see heaven and hell.

 I can not remember the video word for word but here is a synopsis.

She is prepared by the holy spirit and Jesus to enter. When the night comes she dies and Jesus takes her into hell. There she says that she sees demons there and they are scurrying and dancing around. They are in a frenzy. she notices that they have darts in their hands. she asks Jesus what they are and he says they are darts for targets which are specifically us. We were the targets. The demons were coming up and throwing the darts which are spiritual in nature and the darts caused issues in our lives.

Next the girl journeys further into hell and sees people she knows carrying bundles on their backs. Jesus says that these are the people on earth that are coming to hell. They were working toward a lifetime of damnation. Then the girl proceeds to ask Jesus if there is anyone there she may know.

The enter area where there is a woman being tortured by of course fire. The girl can not tell immediately but the woman in the fire screaming and being burnt is her grandmother. The girl is shocked and asks why her grand mom is there and Jesus simply tells her is because while on earth she did not forgive. She was in hell because of unforgiveness.

They move on and go to another area and this time is it even more disturbing for me. There is a little kid crying out and being tortured no more than eight years old. The girl says she was so upset and was crying and asked why even the little child is in hell.

Jesus tells her that the little kid disobeyed his parents and would not listen when he was told about Jesus. He was rebellious and did not listen when his father told him to get it inside. he ran from his dad into the street and was hit by a car. He died and ended up going to hell. Jesus tells her the importance of instructing the child about the Holy spirit and God because the children become responsible at a certain age to know about God and his word.

At this point in the video I agreed about what I saw but it was when this part came I may have had some disprecancies.

 Next Jesus took her to a pit where there was a woman who was trying to crawl out. the flames were around here rising and falling. there were also demons throwing arrows at her. The woman was screaming because she was in so much pain. Jesus told her this was the singer Selena who was popular in the nineties.

The woman cries out and tells the girl to warn everyone on the earth about hell and not to listen to her music. Every time her song plays she is tortured even more. They move on from her pit and go to another and see a man this time. He is tortured by flames as well. When the girl looks in this pit, she realizes that it is Michael Jackson. We the audience watching the video then learn that Jackson is in hell because he had made a pact with Satan. He wanted fame and money so he made the exchange for his soul.

The girl explains that the demons also danced the way that Michael did on earth. The were dancing away from the pits backwards almost like the moonwalk in a taunting manner.

I was so shocked and I paused the video to see when it was made. I believe that Jackson died in 2009? I am not sure when the video was made but it looked like it was made several months before he had died. I do not know the truth of the matter but once again the what ifs are scaring me. I thought this all interesting so I wanted to share it.

The last person to be visited in hell was Pope John Paul. Jesus explained that he was there because he was stealing from the church when he was alive. Also he was being worshiped as an idol and worshipping idols. 

They moved on, this time to heaven. Of course the girl felt warm fuzzies there and described it the way that is described in the bible. however the thing that was different was that the flowers seemed as if they were alive and singing praises to Jesus.

She said that the saints were there too and greeted her. The girl said all the saints looked the same but came forward as Jesus called their names. She said Mary came up to her and Jesus spoke and said that please tell people not to worship Mary. She does not even know that they worship her there.

One last point from this video that I want to say is that Jesus at one point says something about a woman's hair. lol. I guess Mary stepped forward and the girl said she noticed a head full of flowing long hair. Jesus told her it is important to take care of your hair a woman. It is a crown of glory and holds some significance. whether it is true or not I told that it was interesting it was said.

so that was the end of the journey for her. She was sent back after twenty three hours dead. There is more detail I missed but I am long winded as it is so I cannot write all of it or I am going to be here all day.

Well I watched that video about two months ago and those are the things that stuck with me. I am hoping that the video is not hundred percent true because to me getting into hell would be as easy as breathing. It scared me to the point that I almost felt hopeless even if I was following God with no reservations.

I like Selena's and Michael Jackson's music. I do not think the video was one hundred but What if...What if....

Update: I found the video for curious inquiring minds so go ahead check it out.

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